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Artist, entrepreneur, and now author, Deb Leon is a well respected, successful business creator and owner. She calls her latest business, whiskerDocs, the "Grand Adventure", because it has never been done before and because of the company's commitment to have fun!

whiskerDocs is a 24/7 Pet Help Line, supporting pet parents in making the right decisions about the care of their family pets. Partnering with Trevor Page, formerly of Medi Media, the whiskerDocs team has given birth to the first multi-channel decision support service for pets and their pet families.

Ms. Leon previously founded Health Contact Partners in 2001, which became a leading presence in the booming Telehealth industry in the United States. Serving over 7 million people in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, HCP's 24/7 Nurse Line and Health Advocacy programs empowered people to make better decisions about their health. HCP was the first clinical call center in the world to offer secure live chat with Registered Nurses, fulfilling its commitment to provide support when and how its members needed it most.

In 2008, Health Contact Partners was purchased by one of its client companies, Trustmark. Ms. Leon continued to lead the company until January, 2010. 

Currently, Ms. Leon is writing a book about her journey from artist to entrepreneur.

"It is surprising to me how many people believe that they don't have what it takes to start their own business and to have it thrive. You don't necessarily need an MBA, millions of dollars or great credit (although it can help). You need a great vision, a great deal of passion and persistence, and, perhaps more importantly, you need to know if  people will pay for whatever it is you're selling.

"There are distinct stages to building and sustaining a business that require both resilience and stamina, as well as a willingness to stretch beyond your perception of your own capabilities. Humility, persistence, and courage to do what others won't are just some of the attributes that stretch our boundaries and keep us in the game.

"There is no right path when it comes to designing a thriving business. It often seemed to me that there was more myth out there about what it took than reality. That's what this book is about; breaking apart the myth and helping clear the way for entrepreneurs to take their vision to reality and even legacy."